Revolution, not evolution: CEO of Israeli telco Partner says his company is prepared for 5G

"As a forward-thinking company, we want to make sure we are ready to meet the demands of the future," said Isaac Benbensti

Maayan Manela 22:1817.08.20
"5G isn't an evolution, but rather a great revolution," Isaac Benbenisti, CEO of Israeli telecom Partner Communications Company Ltd., told Avior Abou at Calcalist’s “5G Conference Call - the Future of Communication” online event. "The mechanism for surfing online, the communication methods, they are completely different, as are the applications that come with them, like IoT, healthcare, transportation and security."


Benbenisti said that it was estimated that there will be 20 times the number of connected devices that exist today and that they will be using 5G as that allows them to transfer data at tremendous speeds without delay. “You will be able to conduct medical operations remotely and autonomous cars will communicate with each other through 5G. Whenever there is a new generation technology standard for cellular networks it is soon followed by applications that utilize these capabilities."

Partner CEO Isaac Benbensti. Photo: Amit Shaal Partner CEO Isaac Benbensti. Photo: Amit Shaal

Benbenisti explained why Partner, which teamed up with HOT Mobile to be awarded 5G frequencies by the Ministry of Communication last week, isn't currently planning on charging consumers additional fees for 5G. 


"The market is really competitive and I assume it will stay that way going forward. 5G isn't just for surfing on your smartphone. It is about IoT and smart homes and TV as well, so for us as a company, it is very important to our progress, across all our verticals," he said. "We saw during the Covid-19 crisis how important it is for homes to have a good connection. The communication people are conducting over Zoom and other applications depend on our infrastructure. So as a forward-thinking company, we want to make sure we are ready to meet the demands of the future."