The New Digital Age: Technology-Driven Opportunities for the Post-Coronavirus Era

What opportunities will the pandemic present to the global community? And how can Israel’s tech ecosystem help countries and corporations prepare for the new equilibrium? To address these questions and many others, Start-Up Nation Central today issued an interactive digital report entitled “The New Digital Age: How Israel’s Tech Ecosystem Can Help Shape the Post-COVID-19 Era.”

Start-Up Nation Central, a CTech Partner 11:2114.09.20
COVID-19 could be the pivotal moment heralding the true beginning of the digital age. As the world quickly adapts to the new reality – technologically and, equally important, psychologically and socially – we may find ourselves reaching a new digital equilibrium in which moving more digital bits and fewer people and goods will be the ‘new normal.’

This accelerated digitization will be reinforced by an increased need for self-sufficiency, resilience and efficiency, elements high on the agendas of countries and companies alike. Rather than standing back and watching as this ‘new normal’ unveils, forward-looking nations, industries, companies, and individuals can leverage the digital opportunities generated by the crisis in order to emerge stronger and more resilient.


Shaping the post-pandemic world


Which forces will drive the post-COVID-19 era? What opportunities will the pandemic present to the global community? And how can Israel’s tech ecosystem help countries and corporations prepare for the new equilibrium? To address these questions and many others, Start-Up Nation Central today issued an interactive digital report entitled “The New Digital Age: How Israel’s Tech Ecosystem Can Help Shape the Post-COVID-19 Era.”


Start-Up Nation Central's "New Digital Age" Report Start-Up Nation Central's "New Digital Age" Report

According to the report, the COVID-19 pandemic presents a host of opportunities; this in-depth, multisectoral, comprehensive research report provides insights into what the new normal might look like, on a global scale, outlining the forces that will shape this transition, and highlighting the local and global opportunities this new digital age presents. In addition, it describes how Israeli solutions can meet these global challenges.


Ripple effects on society


In the new era, health restrictions, economic challenges, and trade challenges will drive businesses to prioritize resilience and self-sufficiency over rapid growth. Novel technological innovations, such as artificial intelligence, will provide many solutions to companies seeking to automate and digitize their operations.


Even after the coronavirus health crisis subsides, its ripple effects may change our individual and societal priorities and norms. Activities that were perceived as essential and irreplaceable prior to the onset of the pandemic may suddenly seem optional or even redundant.


To read the full story, click here.