Ran Ginosar Ctech Meet_altTech וידאו

“There is a clear demand and clear need for space”

Calcalist’s third most promising Israeli startup of 2022, Ramon.Space, spoke with CTech about its place in a steadily growing market

Prof. Ran Ginosar, President of Ramon.Space

“We address a fast-growing market that has created a buzz all over the world,” said Prof. Ran Ginosar, President of Ramon.Space. The company, which makes computers for outer space, was recently voted the third most promising startup on Calcalist’s annual list. “And there is a lot of commercial interest. It used to be the government, military, and whatnot. Suddenly it is all commercial. There is a lot of money to be made there, and we address the high end of the market where there is a lot of possible profit.”
“The space market is of course fragmented among different sections, but it is expanding steadily,” he continued. “I can't say fast, but it is expanding steadily. The main reason for that is that there is a clear demand and clear need for space. Of course, you use a GPS service when you drive your car, and there is a lot of telecommunication coming from space, and many other uses. It used to be military and suddenly there are a lot of commercial things. So we see the market growing steadily over the years.”
You can watch the entire exchange in the video above.