Israel-Greece Conference
"Growth, business, opportunities, and investing, that is the success story of Israel"
Vassilis Kikilias, Greece's Minister of Tourism, was speaking at Calcalist's Israel-Greece Conference
From Crisis to Success panel
(טל אזולאי)
"I love Israel and I'm a good friend of Israel," said Vassilis Kikilias, Greece's Minister of Tourism, speaking at Calcalist's Israel-Greece Conference in collaboration with Aroundtown and Brown Hotels.
"Growth, business, opportunities, and investing, that is the success story of Israel. People invest here because they want to make money, but they pay taxation and they hire locals and provide them with jobs. We are very compatible with Israel. We are so similar and are not far away from each other."
Kikilias was talking in the "From Crisis to Success - The New Era of the Greek Economy" panel moderated by Petros Machas, Founding Partner and Chairman of Machas & Partners, and Nikolaos Koulocheris, General Secretary of Economic Policy in the Ministry of Finance in Greece.
You can watch the full discussion in the video above.