Environmental responsibility conference CTech Saar Safra

“As the bee population dwindles, climate change will become even worse"

Saar Safra, CEO and Co-Founder of Beewise, talked to CTech at the Food Waste and Sustainability conference in Tel Aviv about why saving the bees is imperative to saving the planet

Saar Safra
(Sinai David)

“75% of all the fruit, vegetables, seeds and nuts that we consume on the planet are pollinated by bees. At the same time, 35% of all bee colonies collapse on the planet every year. It doesn't matter where you are, you will lose 35% of your bees,” said CEO and Co-Founder of Beewise Saar Safra to CTech during Calcalist and Sufersal’s Food Waste and Sustainability conference in Tel Aviv last week.
Founded in 2018, Beewise is the first and only AI-powered robotic beehive for pollination and honey production. It encompasses a comprehensive platform that allows remote upkeep of bees in order to save bees and prevent colonies from collapsing. The decline of the bee population has tremendous implications for the environment and the climate change crisis in general.
“As the bee population dwindles, that helps climate change become even worse on the planet because bees are the most efficient pollinator that nature has created,” Safra added. “But when you lose 35% of your population every year, in 25 years we won't have enough bees to sustain ourselves. We will be finding ourselves buying a tomato for dinner for $100 and celebrating around it. That's where we're heading.”
However, Safra expresses some optimism regarding investment in climate tech. “Five years ago, when we tried to raise capital for a company, we were mostly thrown out of these conference rooms. Today, there's more attention and openness to the idea of investing in technology for climatech.”
You can watch the full interview in the video above.