CTech Mind The Tech London Roee Furman

Doral Energy-Tech Ventures: "We are thrilled to make investments with Saudi Arabia's Aramco"

Roee Furman, Managing Director of Doral Energy-Tech Ventures spoke with CTech during the Mind the Tech London conference

Roee Furman
(Photo: Hagay Dekel)

"I'm thrilled to say that we make investments with Saudi Arabia's Aramco's venture arm. Obviously there is no peace agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia yet and hopefully it will happen soon, but in the meantime we understand that climate change has no boundaries and we have the privilege to invest with them and grow companies in these spaces," Roee Furman, Managing Director of Doral Energy-Tech Ventures told CTech at the Mind the Tech London conference on Tuesday.
Doral Energy-Tech Ventures is the technology, innovation and investment arm of the Doral Renewable Energy Resources Group, a renewable energy and environmental infrastructure developer.
"I'm really glad to say that in Israel there are lots of great entrepreneurs stepping into the space knocking on our doors asking for multi-billion challenges to solve. It's an exciting time in the climatech and energytech spaces."
You can watch the full interview in the video above.