
2 stories about Australia
משחק מחשב ספרטה sparta פלאריום פלריום Plarium

Aristocrat Buys Mobile Games Developer Plarium for $500 Million

10.08.17|Meir Orbach
Repeatedly ranked in the top 10 grossing Strategy games according to app analytics firm App Annie, “Vikings: War of Clans,” Plarium’s most popular game to date, has been downloaded more than 10 million times
נוזקת הכופר Petya

Australian Investors Back Israel-based Anti-Ransomware Startup

02.08.17|Meir Orbach
Votiro Cybersec raised $9 million in a new funding round. Investors’ interest in the company stems from the sharp rise in ransomware attacks, such as this year’s Petya and WannaCry