Employee Retention

2 stories about Employee Retention
ועידת Mind The Tech אמה סינקלייר מנכ"לית EnterpriseAlumn

“I didn’t succeed because I’m especially smart or privileged,” says Emma Sinclair, CEO of EnterpriseAlumni

23.03.22|Neta Li-Binshtock
"At age 4 I played ‘guess the price of that stock’ with my dad,” added Sinclair, speaking at Calcalist’s Mind the Tech London conference
הילית וינברגר

Hilit Vainberger, Frenn - The secret to growing company culture

16.02.22|Yael Eckstein
"I want to be the Salesforce of talent management. I believe this is the next big thing after Sales and Product-centric companies. Now, it’s time to focus on the people factor: talents," says Vainberger