Emma Sinclair

Mind The Tech London 2022
“I didn’t succeed because I’m especially smart or privileged,” says Emma Sinclair, CEO of EnterpriseAlumni

"At age 4 I played ‘guess the price of that stock’ with my dad,” added Sinclair, speaking at Calcalist’s Mind the Tech London conference

Emma Sinclair
“I feel like I’m part of a tribe, and that’s what I’m helping other companies achieve,” said Emma Sinclair, CEO of EnterpriseAlumni during Calcalist’s Mind the Tech London 2022 conference held in collaboration with Bank Leumi, and LabTech. Sinclair spoke of her success, calling herself “not especially smart or priviledged,” and how the company she founded and leads, EnterpriseAlumni, made an initial public offering on the London Stock Exchange.
EnterpriseAlumni has developed a platform that helps large companies and enterprises preserve the relationship between employer and employee, even after employees have already left a certain company. Some of her customers include companies such as CitiBank, Marks & Spencer, Google, and more. “We help communities thrive, and that’s part of what we’re doing here at this conference,” said Sinclair. “We help large companies stay in touch with former employees. We call it ‘colleagues for life.’ I also consider myself as part of a tribe, and also part of a tribe of women who surround me and help me grow. My grandmother is 98-years-old, and she still worries about me.” Watch the video above.