
20 stories about Intel
איסוף תרומות ו ציוד ל תושבי עוטף עזה ב תל אביב

Global tech giants stand with Israel: Companies and funds offer support and donations

10.10.23|Omer Kabir, Meir Orbach, Lital Samet
Foreign tech giants and venture capital funds have expressed solidarity with Israel following murderous Hamas attack
מימין: מנכ"ל אינטל פט גלסינגר ומנכ"ל טאואר ראסל אלוואנגר

Tower and Intel sign $300 million foundry deal three weeks after cancellation of $5.4 billion merger

05.09.23|Reuters and CTech
The Israeli chipmaker will acquire and own equipment and other fixed assets to be installed at Intel’s New Mexico factory after receiving $375 million in compensation following the cancellation of the acquisition
מנכ"ל Arm רנה האס שבבים

Give their right Arm: Intel, Apple, Google all want a piece of chip giant

05.09.23|Omer Kabir
SoftBank, the controlling owner of chip development giant Arm, has recruited prominent names for what is set to be the biggest IPO of the year on Wall Street
מפעל טאואר שבבים מגדל העמק אינטל

Tower Semiconductor: Shifting from Intel to India?

21.08.23|Sophie Shulman
With Intel deal off, Tower Semiconductor could find new ground in India's thriving chip market
מימין מנכ"ל אינטל העולמית פט גלסינגר ומנכ"ל טאואר ראסל אלוונגר

Tower Semiconductor caught in tug-of-war between U.S. and China over chip supremacy

16.08.23|Omer Kabir
Intel’s $5.4 billion acquisition of the Israeli company faltered as geopolitical tensions reshape the chip landscape
אינטל טאוור

Intel abandoning $5.4 billion acquisition of Tower Semiconductor

16.08.23|Reuters and CTech
Intel, which signed the deal to buy Tower in February 2022, did not secure approval from Chinese regulators for the acquisition of the Israeli company on time as required under the contract. Tower to receive $353 million break-up fee
בניין אינטל ב חיפה

Intel reverses pay cuts, will compensate employees with RSUs

Intel decided to compensate all employees who are entitled to it with restricted stock units in December
בניין אינטל ב חיפה

Intel investment comes at a hefty price for Israel

19.06.23|Adrian Filut
The construction grant of over $3 billion is double the amount pledged by Netanyahu in 2014 for the previous expansion of the Intel plant
מפעל השבבים של אינטל ב חיפה

Intel’s new $15 billion investment puts Israel at forefront of global chips war

19.06.23|Omer Kabir
Intel's significant investment in Israel, which comes in addition to the $10 billion commitment by the company from 2019, highlights the importance of its local operations considering the substantial incentives it also receives in the U.S. and Europe
בניין אינטל ב חיפה

Intel Israel registers record exports of $8.7 billion in 2022, accounting for 1.75% of Israel’s entire GDP

The semiconductor giant’s Israeli branch was responsible for 5.5% of all Israeli high-tech exports last year and recorded purchases of $3.5 billion from Israeli businesses
מובילאיי אינטל Mobileye

Intel seizes opportunity, sells Mobileye shares to boost finances amid AI race

06.06.23|Sophie Shulman
Strategic move will generate approximately $1.5 billion and aims to secure funding for advanced chip technology
Intel Ignite Tel Aviv hub

Intel Ignite names 10 deep tech startups for eighth cohort in Tel Aviv

Intel’s 12-week startup growth acceleration program will include startups from various tech industries, including: AI/ML, cybersecurity, hardware, and Web 3.0
בניין אינטל ב חיפה

Intel postpones investment meeting in Jerusalem amidst heightened tensions surrounding judicial coup

13.02.23|Golan Hazani
Calcalist has learned from sources involved in the discussions that Intel decided to postpone the meeting due to its concern that announcing an investment at this time would be seen as political support for the government of Benjamin Netanyahu and its planned judicial coup
Amir Faintuch

“Intel faces difficult strategic choices and needs to figure out what the company will look like in the future”

07.02.23|Meir Orbach
Amir Faintuch, the new CEO of Volumez, was once one of the most senior Israelis at Intel, reaching the role of Senior Vice President and General Manager of Platform Engineering
הדמיית משרדי חברת אינטל ש עתידים לקום ב חיפה

Intel halts construction of $200 million Haifa mega-campus

16.01.23|Raphael Kahan
As the chip crisis continues, the company has decided against spending $200 million on the new campus. A parking lot will be built in its place
אמנון שעשוע  מ מייסדי מובילאיי ו

"Mobileye has a vertical grip on the autonomous vehicle market"

16.01.23|Omer Kabir
"When we were at Intel, all our achievements were under the radar, the focus at Intel was chip production, Mobileye's activity did not generate interest," added Mobileye CEO Amnon Shashua
משרדי אינטל 2

Intel Israel lays off dozens of employees as part of global cutbacks

15.12.22|Meir Orbach
Following the decision to implement cutbacks announced two months ago, Intel told each of its global centers that they are required to reduce their expenses
 אמנון שעשוע מייסד ומנכ"ל מובילאיי

Mobileye goes public at $16.7 billion valuation

26.10.22|Sophie Shulman and Reuters
Intel's Israeli self-driving car unit, which raised $861 million, was targeting a $50 billion valuation earlier this year before the rout in tech compelled it to stomach a lower valuation