איתמר שאלתיאל send email to author

3 stories about איתמר שאלתיאל
עמרי שגב מויאל מנכ"ל Profero

As cyberattacks peak, so does the demand for Profero's services

13.02.21|Allon Sinai
The CEO of the Israeli cybersecurity startup, which specializes in helping companies address and manage the aftermath of a security breach, says it is turning people away as hackers take advantage of Covid-19 pandemic
גיא מגן Profero CTO

When countries attack companies

10.02.21|Guy Barnhart-Magen
"It is time for policymakers to stop ignoring the potential damage caused by these attacks not only to the private businesses, but to the whole country," says Guy Barnhart-Magen
האקר האקרים סייבר מחשב מחשבים טכנולוגיה טכנולוגי פריצה פריצות מטריקס גנב פושע

State-sponsored Chinese hackers turning to financially motivated attacks, Israeli researchers find

Cybersecurity companies Security Joes and Profero believe APT27 was responsible for attacks on major gaming companies