Astrix Security co-founders.

Astrix raises $25 million Series A to secure non-human app-to-app connections

The Israeli startup’s platform provides visibility into all non-human connections and identities, automatically detecting and remediating over-privileged, unnecessary, misbehaving and malicious app-to-app connections

Astrix Security has raised $25 million in Series A funding led by CRV with participation from existing investors Bessemer Venture Partners and F2 Venture Capital. This new investment brings Astrix’s total funding to almost $40 million.
The Astrix Security Platform provides visibility into all non-human connections and identities. Astrix provides a consolidated view of all the internal and third-party integrations within a business environment, as well as all access keys in use (i.e., API keys, OAuth tokens, service accounts, and webhooks) and the permissions and level of access granted to each one.
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מוסף עצמאות 13.5.24 מייסדי חברת הסייבר Astrix Security אלון ג'קסון ו עידן גור
מוסף עצמאות 13.5.24 מייסדי חברת הסייבר Astrix Security אלון ג'קסון ו עידן גור
Astrix Security co-founders.
(Photo: Astrix)
Astrix was founded in Tel Aviv in 2021 by two veterans of the Israel Defense Force 8200 military intelligence unit, CEO Alon Jackson and CTO Idan Gour. The company, which employs around 30 people, recently added Figma, Priceline, Bloomreach, and Rapyd as customers.

“We founded Astrix to close a significant and unaddressed security gap, by allowing security teams to extend access management and threat detection to the non-human identity layer,” said Alon Jackson, CEO and co-founder at Astrix. “It’s amazing to experience the tremendous adoption by security teams, as well as see Astrix’s capabilities become essential to their every-day security arsenal. We look forward to continuing to expand our capabilities and partnerships, allowing organizations to truly reap the benefits of third-party services, especially Gen-AI apps, without compromising security.”