Noga Sela Shalev, CEO at Fresh Start

“AI has immense potential for the foodtech sector"

"Israel's entrepreneurial culture and being an immigrant society, where we are open to cultures and tastes (fusion), is the basis of our innovation around food," added Noga Sela Shalev, CEO at foodtech incubator Fresh Start

Noga Sela Shalev
(Sinai David)

"Israel's entrepreneurial culture and being an immigrant society, where we are open to cultures and tastes (fusion), is the basis of our innovation around food," said Noga Sela Shalev, CEO of foodtech incubator Fresh Start, speaking to CTech at Calaclist’s 2023 Forecast conference. "We also have structure relating to our tight and close community where we have a lot of exchanging of ideas and a supportive ecosystem. Finally, you have the government's support that is very relevant for food where the cycles are so long, it really offers risk reduction.”
Sela Shalev also spoke about foodtech's connection to AI. “The entry point for AI is not to our benefit right now as there is not enough organized, clustered data in order to do the work that AI can do within this value chain. There is immense potential though, as the data around the value chain is crazy. The data is there, the first big step is to make sure we have access to it, then connecting the pieces of data could have so much impact.”
You can watch the full interview with Sela Shalev in the video above.