CTech TechTLV Conference Tagil Yaniv

“The UK government really believes in the partnership with Israel”

Tagil Yaniv, Strategic Partnerships and Critical Tech Lead at The UK Israel Tech Hub, spoke about the Israel-UK relationship amid war and an election year.

Tagil Yaniv, Strategic Partnerships and Critical Tech Lead at The UK Israel Tech Hub
(Video: SInay David)
“It is a rough time in Israel and in the UK of course. These past days since October 7th are very difficult for all of us. But even before that the last year was challenging,” Tagil Yaniv, Strategic Partnerships and Critical Tech Lead at The UK Israel Tech Hub, told CTech. “But the UK government really believes in this partnership between the two countries in the business arena and some of the things that we're doing.”
The UK Israel Tech Hub sits in the British Embassy in Israel and was established more than 10 years ago with the idea of strengthening the business relationship between Israel and the UK. This is done mainly by bringing Israeli technologies to the UK market in sectors such as sustainable development, fintech, healthcare, and cyber.
2024 will see the relationship navigate the ongoing war with Hamas and an upcoming election in the UK, its first in five years. It is widely expected that the opposition party will reclaim government for the first time since 2010.
“I don't think it will affect the relationship,” she said. “Of course, maybe the specific connections and with the people we are working with, there will be some minor shifting. But in the big picture, the UK believes in this partnership… I believe that it doesn't matter who will be the Prime Minister and which government will be, the Israeli and UK relationship in the business arena and in the tech arena will remain strong.”
You can watch the entire exchange in the video above.