Dr. Moshiel Biton

Mind the Tech London 2022
“We’ll create electric batteries that can travel longer distances,” says Addionics CEO

“There’s fierce competition over developing next-generation batteries. We plan on increasing the distance cars can travel, while reducing their charging time,” explained Dr. Moshiel Biton

Moshiel Biton
“The world is going electric. Electric vehicles are only the start of this revolution,” said Dr. Moshiel Biton, co-founder and CEO of Addionics, during the Calcalist Mind The Tech London 2022 conference on Wednesday. “We are focusing on the physics behind electric batteries, which hasn’t ever been changed. Even Tesla hasn’t thought about changing it. Our battery will allow cars to travel longer distances and be charged much quicker.” The industry really needs a dramatic change when it comes to rechargeable batteries, he said.
Today, there are plenty of limitations on electric batteries, with problems in manufacturing plants making the current problems at chip plants seem absurd, he added. Many countries want to transition to using batteries and electric vehicles, and aim to decrease their dependability on oil and petroleum. “It isn’t just a supply problem. There’s fierce competition over developing next-generation batteries. We are working with leading manufacturers around the world, and have proven that we can increase the distance that EVs can travel and reduce their charging times,” Biton said.