Osher Ad

2 stories about Osher Ad
אריה בוים אושר עד ברוקלין

Xenophobia Thrives During Pandemics, Says Founder of Haredi Supermarket Chain

08.04.20|Diana Bahur-Nir
Aryeh Boim, founder of Israeli heavy discount supermarket chain Osher Ad, which caters to the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community, believes the dangers of Covid-19 are beyond medical
סניף אושר עד סופר סופרמרקט חרדים דתיים

Apax Partners Negotiating to Buy Haredi Supermarket Chain

25.11.18|Golan Hazani
The private equity firm is looking to by a 50% stake in Osher Ad, an Israeli grocery chain targeting the ultra-Orthodox Jews, according to a $268 million valuation