Social Responsibility

2 stories about Social Responsibility
מייסדת ומנכ"לית חברת VEE מאי פיאמנטה

The Israeli startup encouraging social responsibility and volunteering

17.04.22|Meir Orbach and Raphael Kahan
Vee’s platform, led by CEO May Piamenta, connects companies with nonprofits who are looking to give back to society
הייטק היי-טק היי טק השקעות גיוס הון הנפקה אקזיט כסף דולרים מחשב מחשבים

High-tech workforce, own your privilege

04.07.21|Ariel Greisas
Algorithm developer Ariel Greisas calls on his colleagues to “develop the necessary awareness of their place in our society, and accept some basic responsibilities”