Mind the Tech London 2024
"Consumers aren't afraid of advertising, they want entertainment with value"
Anna Pelkin, Country Manager of TikTok Israel, said at Calcalist and Leumi's Mind the Tech London conference: "The ability to capture the attention of consumers is a significant challenge because they have new expectations from brands."
Anna Pelkin - Mind the Tech London
(Alex Kolomoyski)
"Today's entertainment is not like it used to be. It is at our fingertips at every moment through the phone," said Anna Pelkin, Country Manager of TikTok Israel, at Calcalist and Leumi’s Mind the Tech London conference.
"In the past, the choice of daily entertainment was to wait until the end of the day, to sit together in front of the television. Today, all entertainment is at the fingertips," Pelkin said. "Don't waste time on the opportunity to connect with entertainment. Entertainment is more than drama. It's discovery, it's education and it's constantly in motion and has a significant impact on the consumer."
Pelkin said that her routine includes daily consumption of entertainment. "From the moment I get up I consume entertainment and it continues all day. I do yoga from TikTok, I get inspiration from recipes I get on TikTok, and in the evening I get inspiration from Olympic moments."
According to her, "Many use their phones to watch videos and many see TikTok as a means of entertainment. This is an important opportunity because of the way we connect, customers are constantly on a journey of discovery. This brings a new era to entertainment. Consumers have more choice of content, and brands have more media.
"The ability to capture the attention of consumers is a significant challenge because consumers have new expectations from brands," she added. "Today's consumers want to be entertained and don't want to be sold advertisements. They don't have a problem with ads, but a problem with being harassed. They want added value, they want you to teach them something, they want you to give them quality communication."
Pelkin said that the entertainment on TikTok is divided into communities - sports, entertainment and more, and the content is not just for the masses. "The barriers that used to exist to create content have disappeared and today when the content is good it creates a movement of consumers. The way to understand what motivates an audience in the content is extremely significant and not easy. If a consumer is driven to activity by the content you created - everyone benefits. You need to connect with quality content creators. Content creators are now a significant way for many brands to connect with their community."
Pelkin gave some advice to the content creators and the various brands: "The journey from content to purchase is different than before. There is a new connection between entertainment and the community and the way to discovery and sales. Keep entertaining them all the time, create significant value for every activity you create, work with quality creators who know how to connect with their community."