Long Exposure

16 stories about Long Exposure
מוסף שבועי 3.8.23 צילום על זכוכית מיכל צור שלו

"The protest is the startup that will rebuild Israel”

03.08.23|Diana Bahur-Nir
Michal Tsur-Shalev brings with her to the protest the legacy of her father, who was blind but also omnipotent, and of her mother, who did not shy away from public confrontations. This gives her the strength to grow high-tech companies and to continue to battle
מוסף שבועי 16.3.23 יבגני דיברוב מייסד ומנכ"ל ארמיס

"I take losses hard. Competition is a matter of life and death for me"

06.04.23|Diana Bahur-Nir
Yevgeny Dibrov explains why the urge to compete stems from his Jewishness and what he thinks, as a right-winger, about his friend Assaf Rappaport's protest
מוסף שבועי 23.2.23 דורית דור

Behind the Dor: “I think of myself as number 1 at Check Point, in my world"

26.02.23|Diana Bahur-Nir
Dorit Dor won the Israel Defense Award at the age of 25, has been Gil Shwed’s number 2 at Check Point for over 25 years, and today lives in a house with four people and 11 degrees
מוסף שבועי 15.9.22 מייקל אייזנברג

“You need to know how to lose money with as much dignity as you earned it"

28.09.22|Diana Bahur-Nir
Michael Eisenberg, Equal Partner at Aleph, discusses parenthood, being a young grandfather, and investing during rocky times
מוסף שבועי 16.6.22 אורן וליסה קניאל

"Immigrants gamble their entire lives. There is no Plan B"

21.06.22|Diana Bahur-Nir
Oren Kaniel and his wife Lisa Zaythik started separately, from low life points, and climbed together to run unicorn AppsFlyer
מוסף שבועי 12.5.22 בני לנדא

“When you're in love with someone who has left, you can not bear to see her in the arms of another"

20.06.22|Diana Bahur-Nir
Serial Israeli entrepreneur Benny Landa misses Indigo and his father, and hopes he’ll get to die at work
מוסף שבועי 6.1.22 יובל טל

“When you are a base, you're like a parent, the responsibility is yours, and I'm good at that"

23.04.22|Diana Bahur Nir
Yuval Tal became addicted to acroyoga, and understood how it explains his entrepreneurial choices and the relationships within his family
מוסף שבועי 30.12.21 אמנון שעשוע

"I'm not afraid of excess money, but of hedonism. It erodes sharpness."

22.04.22|Diana Bahur Nir
After surviving a helicopter accident, Amnon Shashua explains why genius lies in identifying problems rather than solving them
מוסף שבועי 16.12.21 יוסי ורדי

"You cannot expect to succeed if you cannot take a punch”

21.04.22|Diana Bahur-Nir
One of the forefathers of Israel’s tech ecosystem, Yossi Vardi explains why luck is so important to entrepreneurs and why he likes to bring up his own glorious failures
מוסף שבועי 23.12.21 דב מורן

"I live my life my way and my wife lives hers as a religious person. It does not have to fit in"

20.04.22|Diana Bahur-Nir
As a secularist whose family members became religious, Dov Moran learned to compromise
מוסף שבועי 25.11.21 איל וולדמן

"In the third session, my psychologist burst into tears and said, 'I cannot treat you.'"

19.04.22|Diana Bahur-Nir
Eyal Waldman conducts himself in his personal life just as he does in the business world
מוסף שבועי 3.3.22  קירה רוזנסקי

"The empathy and pain we feel is for fear of it spreading to us - and that everyone will stand back"

18.04.22|Diana Bahur-Nir
Kira Radinsky, who immigrated from Ukraine, talks about emotion, survival, the ability to break away, her first meeting with her father at the age of 18, and about the likelihood that a third world war will break out
אדם סינגולדה חדש

“I live in a nerd’s Disneyland. I’m the Robin Hood of the internet, a Yoda battling the bad guys”

17.04.22|Diana Bahur-Nir
Adam Singolda, founder and CEO of Taboola, learned from his father how to fall in love with an idea, and from his mother to always question the price of milk
מוסף שבועי 9.12.21 ד"ר ארנה ברי

“I still feel like Cinderella and that I’m here by mistake”

16.04.22|Diana Bahur-Nir
After beating multiple cancers, former Chief Scientist Orna Berry turned being a cancer survivor into a hobby
מוסף שבועי 10.6.21 אדוארד קפרוב

“My picture can crack but that’s what makes it valuable”

15.04.22|Ari Libsker
Edward Kaprov takes photographs on glass using the 19th century-Collodion process
מוסף שבועי 17.2.22  מיכל ברוורמן בלומנשטיק

“I learned not to be just a bulldozer, but a dancing bulldozer”

15.04.22|Diana Bahur-Nir
Michal Braverman-Blumenstyk’s failure to direct her eldest daughter to high-tech taught her the limits of power. Then came Pilates