Momi Dahan

2 stories about Momi Dahan
בנימין נתניהו ראש הממשלה בצלאל סמוטריץ שר האוצר

Why Israel's deficit is actually $11 billion larger than reported

03.03.24|Adrian Filut
According to Prof. Momi Dahan, the deficit in 2024 is much larger than the one shown in the budget book, standing at NIS 170 billion ($47 billion) and making up 9% of GDP
פרופ' מומי דהן

When the Judicial Authority Is Weakened, the Economy Follows, Says Israeli Economist

30.05.19|Adrian Filut
There is much evidence of the negative effect corruption has on a country’s economic prosperity, according to Momi Dahan, head of the school of public policy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem