UK-Israel Tech Hub

3 stories about UK-Israel Tech Hub
קוקטייל פתיחה ועידת Mind The Tech לונדון מימין עידן פישר חיים שני

Leap in high-tech investments from the UK: "Israel has jumped ten notches on the priority scale"

30.03.22|Sophie Shulman
According to Idan Fisher, who runs the UK-Israel Tech-Hub, British investment in Israel has soared to half a billion dollars a year but is still far behind the Americans, who invested 5.5 billion dollars in 2020
מימין חנן פרידמן אמה סינקלייר טדי שגיא משה ליאון ועידת לונדון

Israel's high-tech scene is coming to London

17.03.22|Omer Kabir
Focusing on innovation and tech as well as business ties, the 2022 Mind the Tech conference will bring together leading entrepreneurs, investors and business-people from Israel and the UK
אביטל לביצקי UK Israel Tech Hub

5 reasons why Israeli Fintech startups should capture the UK opportunity

06.02.22|Avital Levitzky
"The UK is home to some amazing opportunities for Fintech companies and one of the world’s leaders in evolving the Fintech global ecosystem having the frameworks and talent to run them," writes Avital Levitzky of the UK-Israel Tech Hub