
4 stories about Volunteer

Over 110 websites for social organizations and monetary purposes: Wix employees' platform has become a global solidarity initiative

06.11.23|Tech On Duty in collaboration with Poalim Tech
The websites, built by Wix employees or with their close support, touch on all areas related to the crisis in Israel, divided into categories. Amongst which, some extremely notable initiatives, like the website of "Brothers In Food"

Perion: Donations, global campaigns, and employee volunteerism

19.10.23|Tech On Duty in collaboration with Poalim Tech
With most of its management based in Israel, the digital advertising technology company embraces the local community and defense forces, contributing to the national effort through both donations and employee volunteer effort
רון וינר

Give&Tech works with the Israeli tech sector to make meaningful impact on communities

Israeli nonprofit aims to leverage the tech industry to give back to in-need communities through volunteering, offering technical courses and donating funds to other NGOs
מתנדבים של OneDay

OneDay volunteer work increases employee productivity

Through volunteer projects, OneDay initiative hopes to improve employee productivity by giving volunteers an all-around good feeling