
7 stories about Women
יזמיות היי טק בצילום קבוצתי עם מיצג של אנגלה מרקל

Protesting Underrepresentation, Israeli Female Techies Take Center Stage

11.10.18|Adi Pick
Around eighty Israeli female techies gathered on Wednesday in front of the Tel Aviv city hall to take a picture with a cardboard figure of Angela Merkel
הקאתון לב

First Aid Bracelet Wins First Place at Orthodox, Women-Only Hackathon

28.06.18|Lilach Baumer
Intel and IBM were among the tech companies to pose challenges for 106 participants at the two-day Jerusalem event
מיכל קאהן עם שותפיה מאיר פלג אייל דגן עופר עיני

In Israeli Tech, Women are Worth Half as Much as Men

09.04.18|Hagar Ravet
Women entrepreneurs, already less prominent in the Israeli tech industry, raise half as much money as their male peers, a new report by research company IVC says
רנדי צוקרברג ועידת ניו יורק

Pursuit of Social Media Virality Undermines Journalism, Says Randi Zuckerberg

15.03.18|Hagar Ravet
A keynote speaker at Calcalist’s Mind the Tech conference, Ms. Zuckerberg gives an interview about Israeli startups, the media, and gender in tech
מאיה גורה מייסדת missbeez

Pedicure-on-Demand Entrepreneur Aims for Social Impact

31.12.17|Hagar Ravet
After two of the startups she co-founded were bought by multinational corporations, Maya Gura decided she wants to do more for women
עובדי חברת טבע ב ירושלים מפגינים נגד ה פיטורים

CTech’s Weekly Israeli Tech News Roundup

How the Teva drama unfolded. Israeli judge orders Facebook to reinstate a terminated page. Israeli regulator blocks crypto-mining company
אימון משיכת חבל בספורטק תל אביב ב פארק הירקון פנאי

Index Ranks Tel-Aviv 24th in Fostering Women Entrepreneurs

20.07.17|Meir Orbach
Tel-Aviv scored high in the frequency and value of funding received by women. It scored low in the percentage of women with academic management degrees