Ronni Zehavi

Mind the Tech London 2022
“We are never going back to working 5 days out of the office,” says HiBob CEO

“In the future, work schedules will include only two to three days in the office and the rest will be WFH,” said Ronni Zehavi founder and CEO of HiBob

Ronni Zehavi of HiBob

“If you have to choose one word that will describe how work in the future will look, you’d say: anything that incorporates flexibility. Why is that? The world won’t return to a five-days a week in the office schedule,” said Ronni Zehavi, founder and CEO of HiBob during a panel at Calcalist’s Mind the Tech London 2022 conference that took place last week. “According to surveys that we held with our customers, we saw that people prefer to work from the office only two to three days a week, and the rest from home. If employees could once take off personal time - whether vacation or sick days - now companies need to devise a variety of new terms to describe employees taking time off during the WFH era,” said Zehavi.
HiBob was founded as a British company with a development center in Israel. It developed a cloud-based system for human resource managers of both small and medium-sized businesses that enables them to better manage employee databases including contracts and official documents, plans and stock options, fees and bonuses, salaries, vacations, and perks. What separates HiBob from other similar HR-tech companies is its additional system that manages employer-provided employee insurance, such as financial or health insurance.
According to Zehavi, “when a typical Israeli entrepreneur founds their first company they think of expanding to North America and the United States. But HiBob chose to start our company in London, and it’s a completely different situation to what you typically see in the Israeli high tech landscape.”
“Hibob was established in 2015, and we have 500 employees in offices around the world. From London to Australia, New York, Canada, the Netherlands, and Tel Aviv, we serve thousands of customers who we refer to as tripleM - mid-sized companies that grow fast, are modern, and multinational. Half of our customers are based in England, with 100 of our employees in Europe but mainly based in London.”