Daniel Leon - co-founder Celsius

Mind the Tech London 2022
Celsius co-founder: "Crypto is the main weapon in the war in Ukraine"

Daniel Leon made the remarks at Calcalist's Mind the Tech London 2022 conference. Leon: "A minister in the Ukrainian government published the address of the government's wallet on the web and the result was donations of $100 million"

Daniel Leon
"One of the most notable phenomena of the war in Ukraine is crypto - Bitcoin has become the main means of financing for the Ukrainian government," said Daniel Leon, co-founder and CSO of Celsius at Calcalist's Mind the Tech London 2022 conference.
“I'm sure crypto will save the world,” Leon said. “Bitcoin is the tool that gives the individual the power. Crypto is radically handing the power to the individual, Putin is looking to control Ukraine and control the brains and money of people and he is mainly afraid of losing control and that's why he blocked Facebook. Ukraine is fleeing to crypto and the president has made crypto legal. A minister in the Ukrainian government posted the government's wallet address on social media and the result was donations of $100 million."
Leon believes that crypto is not just a currency but an expression of liberation and an expression of the ability of individuals to fight. "Putin can close everything but he can not close crypto. He can stop the opposition but cannot stop the thousands of people who are telling the gospel of crypto. The wallet goes everywhere and no one can take it. Web3 can help in any war against a dictatorship.

“Every refugee in war should have a crypto wallet where he can put his money and property. Moreover, I suggest donating to all those heroic mothers who fled the war and to donate directly to them sums that will allow them to start over in the best way possible. A Russian T-14 tank costs $3.7 million so lets collect $3.7 million in crypto for Ukrainian parents who fled the war and have children to feed. We have opened a wallet on Celsius for this cause so let's all join forces to make this big contribution. My wife and I will be the first to contribute and will donate $100,000. Who is joining me?"