Fake News

20 stories about Fake News
האקר האקרים פריצה פריצת מחשב

How Iran used social media to stoke tensions between Israelis

20.12.23|Omer Kabir
An investigation by the Fake Reporter organization reveals that since 2021, a foreign network with ties to Iran has been operating in Israel, spreading lies, incitement and hate on social media, using dozens of fake profiles and impersonating real people to sow division

The AI Media War Room reveals new tool to tackle media bias against Israel

31.10.23|James Spiro
IsraelTruth.org was developed by Propel AI to help identify and expose biased articles against Israel in the mainstream media
דונלד טראמפ ג'וניור

Fake news syndrome: Gaza war proves we no longer believe the news - even when it's true

18.10.23|Viki Auslender
Even reliable information is no longer accepted as such and the truth is once again compromised on social networks, especially when suspicious and dubious sources spread it. Donald Trump Jr.'s tweet as a test case
מלחמת עזה מיקום שטח ה מסיבה סופר נובה 10.10.23

Hard facts vs fake news: Filtering the truth in the war with Gaza

10.10.23|Omer Kabir
The fastest information regarding what is happening in the Gaza Strip was provided by the social networks over the weekend, but at the same time, a malicious fake news industry flourished
דונלד טראמפ נושא הצהרה במאר-א-לאגו לאחר הגשת כתב האישום נגדו

The dark side of technology: Misinformation and AI in the US elections

05.07.23|Viki Auslender
The public already requires an unusually high level of digital literacy to successfully navigate the sea of interests and forgery, and now it will have to make a much greater effort
Jimmy Wales Wikipedia

Wikipedia’s Jimmy Wales on online toxicity, Musk, and the battle for internet accuracy

21.11.22|James Spiro
“I sent Musk an email offering help, I am happy to give him some thoughts,” Wales told CTech.
קורונה ברלין גרמניה שוטרים אוכפים את הסגר ערב  השנה החדשה 2021

Tech Trends: Five reasons why 2021 will be as least as bad as 2020

02.01.21|Omer Kabir
Tech companies will grow stronger, computer systems will continue to leak private data, and elections are still at risk of manipulation
בנימין נתניהו מקבל חיסון חיסונים שיבא תל השומר 2

No tracking chips in the vaccine: Facebook removes four Hebrew groups spreading misinformation

Justice Ministry battling attempts to mislead the public with 'Fake News' about sinister motives behind the national innoculation effort
השחקנית אמה קורין בתור הנסיכה דיאנה בסדרה הכתר

Do showrunners have an obligation to historic accuracy?

28.11.20|Dov Greenbaum
Popular culture is shaping people's perception of the real world, but Hollywood often plays fast and loose when combining fact and fiction
בנימין נתניהו הפגנה ב בלפור השבוע

False Flag? Facebook says it deleted fake profiles calling to harm Israel's prime minister

Social media giant’s Israel office says profiles inciting against Benjamin Netanyahu, comparing him to Hitler were fabricated

Without room for greys, the global infodemic spreads faster than Covid-19

31.07.20|Dov Greenbaum
As opposing opinions on any subject, including the pandemic, are pitted against each other in a zero-sum death match, can the common citizenry correctly distinguish between true and unverified health-related information?
בנימין נתניהו הפגנה ב בלפור השבוע

Facebook says profile that called for Netanyahu to be murdered was fake

30.07.20|Omer Kabir
A threatening comment against the Israeli prime minister was posted on a night when protestors calling Netanyahu to resign were injured in Tel Aviv in violent clashes with right-wing activists who were allegedly armed with clubs, glass bottles, and knives
בית חולים שדה לטיפול ב חולי קורונה ב איטליה

The War on Coronavirus Brings With it a Dangerous Fog

17.04.20|Dov Greenbaum
With nothing else to report on, mainstream media, social media, and fringe media are all inundating the public with so much conflicting information that they are all actively contributing to confusion and even false hopes regarding the pandemic
Jessica Zucker   ג'סיקה זאקר מנהלת מדיניות מוצר ב פייסבוק העולמית אירוע בת"א 27.1.20

Facebook Will Not Restrict Political Lies Ahead of Israel's March Election

27.01.20|Omer Kabir
In a Tel Aviv meeting with local journalists, Facebook executives said the company considers fact-checking political statements to be a form of censorship
פסלי גלובוס הזהב Golden Globe statuettes

Will AI Ever Win a Golden Globe?

17.01.20|Dov Greenbaum
While artificial intelligence can write anything from code to screenplays and fake news, it seems only humans can be considered authors. Thus, they are also the only ones held liable for spreading misleading false content
אישה קניות סמארטפון

The Tech Sector's 10 Biggest Challenges in the New Decade

06.01.20|Omer Kabir
From regaining the public’s trust and addressing the privacy crisis, to making digital coins viable, Calcalist reporter Omer Kabir outlines the most pressing issues faced by the global tech industry
פנאי סרט מלחמת הכוכבים עלייתו של סקייווקר

China, Russia, and the Galactic Empire All Have One Thing in Common: Internet Censorship

31.12.19|Dov Greenbaum
Rather than deposing dictatorships, the internet, through fake news on one hand and legal censorship on the other, now seems to empower them