
4 stories about Nonprofit
Impala Founders

Impala’s Impact Intelligence platform brings innovation to the nonprofit sector

22.01.22|James Spiro
The company received $1.05 million from investors Oren Ze'ev, Zack Rinat, and Amnon Landan to create a unique BI tool for nonprofits
Shachar Grembek LGBTech

Israel’s LGBT tech sector is finally being seen

21.09.20|James Spiro
The organization offers members of the LGBT community opportunities to network and celebrate their identities without fear of discrimination
בורסה בורסת תל אביב

Nonprofit Tmura Donated $439,000 From Israeli Startups in 2018

10.02.19|Adi Pick
Tmura receives equity stock and stock option donations from Israel-related startups and donates the proceeds to nonprofit organizations in the country
משרדים של חברת וויוורק WEWORK ב תל אביב

WeWork Partners With Israeli Nonprofit on Leadership Development Program

Nahshonim, a Tel Aviv-based nonprofit organization, operates a program harnessing the skills of young tech and business professionals to help local civil society