Start-Up Nation Central

20 stories about Start-Up Nation Central
העולם המחובר בעקפות התפרצות הקורונה

The Genesis Prize Foundation and Start-Up Nation Central announce finalists in COVID-19 startup competition

01.11.20|Start-Up Nation Central, a CTech partner
21 of Israel's most promising startups are shortlisted for a competition highlighting the global potential of Israeli innovation. “The shortlisted companies epitomize the best of what Israeli innovation has to offer to help tackle the global crisis.”
מטוס ממריא בעולם דיגיטלי

The travel industry in the wake of COVID-19: which companies will realize the greatest opportunities?

08.10.20|Start-Up Nation Central, a CTech partner
The travel, hospitality, and tourism industries have been hard hit by the coronavirus pandemic. How can technology help rebuild these industries? Experts weigh in
Covid-19 provides an opportunity to make Israel more tech   inclusive

COVID-19 presents an opportunity for a new ‘social contract’ between Israel’s tech sector, society

04.10.20|Start-Up Nation Central, a CTech partner
Will the COVID-19 pandemic have an equalizing effect on Israel’s tech ecosystem? “It will bring us together and help build trust and confidence,” experts said at Start-Up Nation Central’s recent New Digital Age Conference
Investments in Israeli tech breaks record in September

Israeli startups raise record $1.2 billion in September

01.10.20|Meir Valman, Start-Up Nation Central, a CTech partner
The $1.2 billion raised in September is the largest amount raised in a single month, according to data from Start-Up Nation’s Finder database. It was also the first time that more than $1 billion was raised in one month
?Can technology prevent the next pandemic

Executives from the WHO, IBM and Johnson & Johnson weigh in: Can technology prevent the next pandemic?

01.10.20|Start-Up Nation Central, a CTech partner
Global, open-source collaboration among governments, public health bodies and researchers will likely provide the gateway to a forthcoming vaccine, and to better pandemic tracking, containment and treatment, experts say
SNC Virgin video

Reimagining industry under extreme disruption

24.09.20|Start-Up Nation Central, a CTech partner
The travel, hospitality, and tourism industries underwent drastic shock during the COVID-19 pandemic, and may continue to undergo a severe disruption for years to come. Experts weigh in on the post-pandemic opportunities
SNC video senor 270 146

The New Digital Age: Economic, Social and Political Aspects

21.09.20|Start-Up Nation Central, a CTech partner
Investor Dan Senor interviews Prof. Lawrence H. Summers, the former US Secretary of Treasury

The future of cities as innovation hubs in the post-pandemic era

21.09.20|Start-Up Nation Central, a CTech partner
Start-Up Nation Central’s Prof. Eugene Kandel speaks with Harvard University’s Prof. Edward Glaeser on urban life in the wake of a global crisis
SNC video post covid

How Israel’s tech ecosystem can help shape the post-COVID-19 era

17.09.20|Start-Up Nation Central, a CTech partner
Start-Up Nation Central’s Post-COVID-19 Report focuses on how Israel’s innovation ecosystem can tap into opportunities emerging in the post-pandemic world
The impact of Covid 19 on the stock exchange and world economy

Prof. Larry Summers in an interview with Dan Senor: “COVID-19 to reinforce structural changes in the global economy”

17.09.20|Start-Up Nation Central, a CTech partner
Former U.S. Secretary of Treasury Prof. Larry Summers sheds light on the unprecedented changes to the economy that COVID-19 has spurred
רובוט קורונה יאסקווה

Start-Up Nation Central: Tech is the engine that will pull the Israeli economy out of the Covid-19 crisis

14.09.20|Elihay Vidal
A new report by the Tel Aviv-based non-profit asserts that Israel can go beyond its role as ‘Startup Nation’ and become a world leader in providing digital solutions for the health, education, and welfare of its citizens and eventually - the world
Medicine doctor and robotics research and analysis

“Until a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available, modern tech can predict where epidemics will strike,” says Johnson & Johnson’s Chief Medical Officer of Global Public Health

03.09.20|Einat Paz-Frankel, Start-Up Nation Central, a CTech Partner
Dr. Alan Tennenberg will speak at Start-Up Nation Central's interactive online conference "The New Digital Age: The Role of Technological Innovation in the Post-COVID-19 World"
מטוס נוסעים של חברת וירג'ין

Virgin Atlantic CIO: “Israel is one of the most innovative places on the planet”

02.09.20|Einat Paz-Frankel, Start-Up Nation Central, a CTech partner
Ash Jokhoo is one of the business leaders speaking at Start-Up Nation Central's interactive online conference “The New Digital Age: The Role of Technological Innovation in the Post-COVID-19 World”
Natan Sharansky

Natan Sharansky, The Genesis Prize Foundation, and Start-Up Nation Central to award funds to entities offering tech solutions for COVID-19

02.09.20|Start-Up Nation Central, a CTech partner
The search is on for the most promising Israeli high-tech solutions to COVID-19, aiming to highlight the global potential of Israeli innovation. The winners, to be announced in a festive event in November 2020, will regift the award to charities of their choice
Downtown Houston's skyline

“Everything is bigger in Texas”: Why Israeli startups should consider Houston as their gateway to the U.S.

01.09.20|Yael Weisz Zilberman, Start-Up Nation Central, a CTech partner
The cost of doing business is significantly lower than in other major metropolitan areas, as the State of Texas has one of the lowest tax burdens in the nation
Insurtech illustration

COVID-19 to boost the insurtech revolution: An exclusive Interview with IDI CEO Kobi Haber

01.09.20|Start-up Nation Central, a CTech partner
"I think that the digitization of the insurance industry is one of the positive side effects of COVID-19"
יוג'ין קנדל כלכלן ישראלי מנכל SNC

Start-Up Nation Central teams up with Inter-American Development Bank to promote Latin American partnerships

New partnership with ConnectAmericas will include creation of more than 5,000 profiles for Israeli companies on the social network