
20 stories about Hamas
מטוס אדיר F35

F-35s, Iron Dome: IDF's wishlist reveals US arms procurement plans

13.02.24|Yuval Azulay
The US aid package that is awaiting approval is supposed to fund new squadrons of fighter jets and helicopters. In the meantime, with the help of the regular annual aid from the US, the Air Force will expand in the coming months
מלחמת עזה חיילי צה"ל ב מנהרה מתחת לבית החולים שיפא 22.11.23

Israel uncovers top secret subterranean Hamas data center under UNRWA's Gaza headquarters

10.02.24|CTech and Reuters
The data center built by Hamas included an electrical room and living quarters for Hamas IT staff
כנס פיננסים - ד״ר שלומית ווגמן רטנר ראש הרשות לאיסור הלבנת הון ומימון טרור לשעבר וסמנכ״לית ב Rapyd וידאו

"Gaza would look like Dubai if the money that flowed there was not used for terrorism"

25.01.24|Tomer Hadar
Dr. Shlomit Wagman, Global Chief Regulation and Compliance Officer at Rapyd, added that future funds going to Gaza from all over the world for reconstruction must be monitored to ensure they are not again used to finance terrorism
כוחות צה"ל חיילים מחרימים כסף מזומן מ חמאס ליד רמאללה

Israel seizes millions of dollars of Hamas funding in West Bank raids

Israeli army and Shin Bet security personnel carried out the raids across the West Bank, targeting financial service providers, as well as cryptocurrencies, with a special cyber crimes unit taking part in the investigation
ד"ר אודי לוי מלחמת עזה

Former Mossad official: Israel's current efforts to cozy up to Qatar are a mistake

19.12.23|Sophie Shulman
Dr. Udi Levi, former head of Mossad task force Harpoon, criticizes Netanyahu's long-time policy regarding Qatar’s financial support of Hamas, saying that ‘Israel provided legitimacy to Qatar with the suitcases of money’
מזוודת כסף שמצא צה"ל בביתו של בכיר חמאס מלחמה בעזה 18.12.23

Suitcases with over $1.3 million in cash seized in home of Hamas official in Gaza

The IDF found the cash in two suitcases in an abandoned house in the Gaza Strip, along with many weapons belonging to the terrorist organization
סטיבן ספילברג במאי

Steven Spielberg’s Shoah Foundation collects survivor testimony from October 7

The USC Shoah Foundation is urgently documenting eyewitness accounts of Hamas’ massacres in Israel, aiming to counteract the global surge in antisemitism. The testimony will join their archive of over 56,000 testimonies of Holocaust survivors.
ההפגנה מחוץ למטה ארגון האו"ם לקידום נשים

UN holds first session on Hamas sexual violence, 2 months after 7/10 massacre

05.12.23|Ariela Karmel
Following months of criticism for silence and inaction, a session was held by Israel’s Permanent Mission to the UN on gender-based crimes committed by Hamas at an event which included hundreds of attendees, survivor testimony and speeches from US political leaders
כוחות צה"ל חיילים מחרימים כסף מזומן מ חמאס ליד רמאללה

Terror crowdfunding: "Terrorist organizations have raised tens of millions since the start of the war"

29.11.23|Tomer Ganon
According to a senior official at the Ministry of Defense, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the like have been running crowdfunding campaigns under the guise of donating to humanitarian organizations and refugees in Gaza
החטופים הישראלים מוסעים על ידי הצלב האדום למצרים

13 women and children were released from Hamas captivity in Gaza and returned to Israel

Over 200 Israelis are still in the captivity of the terrorist organization Hamas after being abducted from their homes in kibbutzim and towns in Israel on October 7