
4 stories about Upwind
מימין: עמירם שחר, סטף קרי ועומרי כספי

Cyber startup Upwind nets $50 million to protect cloud applications

05.09.23|Meir Orbach
The Israeli company, founded by Amiram Shachar and his founding partners from Spot.io, which was sold to NetApp for $450 million, took its total funding to $80 million in less than a year
מייסדי ספוטינסט spotinst מימין לירון פולק עמירם שחר

Spot.io founders raise $28M for secret cyber startup two years after $450M exit

06.09.22|Meir Orbach
Former Spot CEO Amiram Shachar recently founded a new cybersecurity company named Upwind alongside members of the team with which he built Spot: Liran Polak, Lavi Ferdman, and Tal Zur