
20 stories about E-Commerce
CTech Mekomi.com Rose Pwnhasi

How ScaleOps brings the Israeli attitude to European companies

04.07.24|James Spiro
Rose Penhasi, CEO at ScaleOps, joined CTech at Google and Calcalist’s e-commerce event to discuss how the company’s attitude is a benefit in Europe 
CTech Mekomi.com Gabi Steele

Preql: “Let's give companies superpowers with AI.”

04.07.24|James Spiro
Gabi Steele, Co-Founder and CEO at Preql, spoke to CTech about how companies can use AI to help their businesses. 
איקומרס מקומי קום אפי דהן סגן נשיא ב PayPal העולמית

PayPal VP: "We have 430 million customers who would be happy to buy from Israelis."

02.07.24|Hagay Gilboa
Efi Dahan, Vice President, General Manager Central Eastern Europe & Israel at PayPal, was speaking at the Google and Calcalist e-commerce conference. According to him, a third of the Israeli businesses that sell abroad started doing so in the last year.
איקומרס מקומי קום טל שניר Director Google Shopping

"AI helps consumers and brands be more specific, creative and productive"

02.07.24|Maya Nahum Shahal
Tal Snir, Director of Product Management at Google Shopping, demonstrated at the Google and Calcalist e-commerce conference how AI improves the visibility and quality of images, creates 3D graphics, and enables brands to produce catalogs where anyone can be the model.
צוות עובדים Finaloop

Finaloop raises $35 million Series A for e-commerce accounting platform

17.06.24|Meir Orbach
The Israeli startup’s platform makes all financial data accessible to e-commerce stakeholders, from periodic accounting to real-time finance metrics
חברת TEMU וידאו

The meteoric rise of Temu - the Chinese e-commerce company changing the market

29.04.24|Viki Auslender
Within a year, a once unknown Chinese company called Temu became a hit in the western consumer world, after making a strategic decision to conquer American markets first, via cheap, mass production, unrestrained advertising and an immersive technological design
אתר מזבלה של בגדים

Fast fashion: To destroy the earth pay a total of $4.99

29.04.24|Shani Ashkenazi
The low price of products by the latest fast fashion brand Temu doesn’t include the very high environmental price, including the airplanes distributing 1.6 million packages a day from China across the world, which emit 40 times more carbon than sea shipping
פרסומת עזריאלי.קום Azrieli.com

Closure of Azrieli.com may herald fall of other Israeli e-commerce sites

19.12.23|Orna Yefet
A loss of NIS 313 million ($85.7 million) has caused the Azrieli Group to close Azrieli.com. Due to a lack of experience in logistics and a conflict of interest with retailers, the real estate group's online site had no real chance of survival
מחזן אמזון  בניו ג'רזי סייבר מאנדיי 2023

Cyber Monday frenzy: Online spending hits record $12 billion

Bargain hunters go wild for deals on Barbie dolls, Lego sets, headphones, and smartwatches
Admonis Team

Admonis’ efforts to automate e-commerce activity

The company has raised $1.6 million to help companies manage and automate their e-commerce activity in one place and update information in their systems in real-time
Floodlight Team

Floodlight raises $6.4 million to simplify finance for e-commerce SMEs and entrepreneurs

17.04.23|James Spiro
The company helps e-commerce SMEs connect financial platforms into one dashboard to manage their finances more efficiently and help them grow their business.
Michael Mitrani Ctech Google Ecommerce

“Marketplaces today amount to a bigger chunk of business than separate e-commerce”

23.06.22|James Spiro
Michael Mitrani, VP e-Commerce & Marketing at Super-Pharm Online, spoke to CTech about its online Marketplace
Ziv Avraham Ctech Google Ecommerce

Covid-19 saw a 60% increase in demand for local brands, says Google Israel

23.06.22|James Spiro
The pandemic changed the Israeli perception of local brands versus global companies during their online shopping experience, shares Ziv Avraham, Google Israel’s Industry Manager, Retail and E-commerce
כנס גוגל איקומרס עינת נמש מנהלת פעילות עסקית בגוגל ישראל וידאו

"Online sales in the Israeli market grew by 85% during the pandemic"

22.06.22|Omer Kabir
Einat Nemesh, Director at Google Israel, was speaking at the opening of the Google and Calcalist E-commerce Conference, adding that: "The next step is to move from a textual to a visual search. That is, to photograph a shoe and find where to buy it"
ליאט בן רפאל

Roundforest appoints Liat Ben-Rafael as VP of Marketing

The shopping recommendation company is helping over 50 million people per month make purchasing decisions every year of over $1 billion
Blyp Founders

Blyp raises $4 million in Seed to help online retailers maximize their data

02.02.22|James Spiro
The online platform automatically analyzes multiple data sources of SMEs using AI and Machine Learning
מימין אמיר שלכט שחר תמרי ו ניר דבי מייסדי גלובל-אי גלובל אי Global-e

Global-e acquiring e-commerce provider Flow for $500 million

The acquisition is expected to strengthen the Israeli fintech company’s platform offering for emerging brands and is intended to further expand its capabilities and customer base in the segment