
9 stories about Sanctions
רומן אברמוביץ' רומן אברמוביץ

Bank’s refusal to transfer Roman Abramovich's $2.2 million donation is “reasonable,” says AG

29.01.24|Lital Dobrovitzky
Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara intervened in the ongoing lawsuit filed by Abramovich and ZAKA against Bank Mizrahi Tefahot, supporting the bank in its refusal to transfer Abramovich’s donations to the search and rescue organization due to EU and UK sanctions against him
מימין יואל נוה קרן לוי יובל טל חברת פיוניר

Payoneer fined $1.4 million by USDT for thousands of sanction violations including involving Iran and Syria

25.07.21|Meir Orbach
The U.S. Department of Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control fined the Israeli fintech company for 2,260 apparent violations of multiple sanctions programs
נשיא ארה"ב ג'ו ביידן טקס לזכר 500 המתים ב קורונה

Further U.S. restrictions against business with China and Russia may potentially impact Israeli companies

20.04.21|Nicholas Klein and Nathaniel Bolin
As the United States continues to take a hard line in its national security approach toward Russia and China, Israeli companies must evaluate whether their products and services trigger U.S. sanctions
אייל בר אור מנכ"ל Safe-Zone

The company guiding Israeli businesses through the U.S. investment regulations bureaucracy minefield

19.12.20|Allon Sinai
"Because I came from the missile defense sector, we developed a multi-layered defense system, made up of four levels," says Eyal Bar-Or
מוסף שבועי 6.6.19 ויקטור וקסלברג

Following U.S. Sanctions, Israeli Cybersecurity Company Renounces Once-Boasted Ties to Russian Oligarch

30.07.19|Tomer Ganon, Hagar Ravet, Amir Kurz, and Ran Abramson
Russian businessman Viktor Vekselberg invested $13 million in Tel Aviv-based cybersecurity company Deep Instinct through investment fund IVCP, a 13.9% stake now worth around $28.5 million
חיילים סודנים סודאן South Sudan soldier

U.S. Imposes Sanctions on Former Israeli General for Arms Trade with South Sudan

17.12.18|Adi Pick
Update: Israel Ziv, the former general, was interviewed on Israeli television Sunday and stated the accusations are baseless and that he hasn't "even sold scissors there"
סטיבן מנושין סטיבן מנוצ'ין שר האוצר ארה"ב

Two Cybersecurity Companies with Links to Israel Placed on U.S. Blacklist

13.06.18|Asaf Shalev
The U.S. Treasury is accusing a number of companies of aiding the Kremlin to develop advanced offensive cyber technology
פסגת אנקרה ולדימיר פוטין רג'פ טאיפ ארדואן חסן רוחאני אפריל 2018

The U.N. Is Investigating Allegations That a Turkish Company Sold Israeli Electronics to Iran, Report Says

Capacitors manufactured by a Jerusalem-based company and sold to a Turkish company were intercepted en route to Iran, in violation of international sanctions, according to a report by Israel’s Ynet News