
20 stories about SpaceIL
בראשית נחיתה ירח

Beresheet 2 lunar mission loses chief donors due to economic and social situation in Israel

The group of donors that invested $45 million in the Beresheet 2 mission announced that they will stop further funding. They will continue to support the educational activities of the SpaceIL organization
יונתן וינטרוב והחומוס ליד נאס"א

Food giant Strauss Group, Aviv Labs launch hummus-filled capsule to space

20.02.22|Yafit Ovadia
The Israeli corporation, which has supported numerous foodtech accelerators and startups, dished out a significant sum to send its chickpea plant experiment to space and encourage sustainable farming methods ahead of the next-Israeli astronaut’s March mission
רות פרסול

SpaceIL and Parasol Foundation launch NIS 1.5M program to boost women in space industry

25.01.22|Yafit Ovadia
The Parasol Foundation Women in SpaceIL program will provide scholarships to female engineering students, graduates and allow them to take part in construction of next lunar spacecraft
שמעון שריד שרה אל אמירי ו מוריס קאהן

Making peace in space: UAE will join Israel’s next Moon mission

20.10.21|Yafit Ovadia
The next Israeli spacecraft will feature the flags of both the United Arab Emirates and Israel, and the countries will also use data from an Israeli-French satellite that monitors climate change to issue a call for proposals to better the environment
ילדה עם בראשית

SpaceIL issues international call for experiments to send aboard Beresheet 2

05.09.21|Yafit Ovadia
Unlike its predecessor, the next Israeli lunar spacecraft will feature experiments onboard. Call is open to all countries
Yariv Bash Flytrex

“I just love to create stuff. You can be a painter, you can be a poet, but you can also be an engineer or a software developer."

Yariv Bash, co-founder and CEO of Flytrex and founder of SpaceIL, has joined Michael Matias to discuss all things fight and flight.
צוות של ספייס-אי-אל

SpaceIL raises $70 million for next lunar mission

11.07.21|Yafit Ovadia
The space tech startup, renowned for its first lunar attempt, raised the funds for its Beresheet 2 mission to be launched in 2024
פאנל JFrog Yalla DevOps

"The DevOps industry is expanding to space – now is the time to explore new frontiers"

Fred Simon, JFrog's Co-Founder and Chief Data Scientist believes many of today's space challenges can be solved with software
שלומי סודרי

Taking Israeli Chutzpah to the Moon: Its next lunar mission aims to land not one, but two vessels

18.12.20|Yafit Ovadia
“Failure isn’t an option,” says Shlomi Sudri, General-Manager of the Space Division at Israel Aerospace Industries about plans for Israel’s next lunar mission and how this time will be completely different
בראשית נחיתה ירח

“Israel is going back to the Moon,” announces SpaceIL co-founder

13.12.20|Yafit Ovadia
Beresheet 2, Israel’s second attempt at a lunar lander is set to launch in 2024
איתן סטיבה על רקע שיגור

Eytan Stibbe will blast off toward a new future of spaceflight

13.12.20|Yafit Ovadia
With plans for the next Israeli astronaut to fly aboard a SpaceX craft, commercialized spaceflight is bringing about a new era
כדור הארץ חלל

The new commercial space race has countries soaring into the unknown

13.12.20|Yafit Ovadia
Countries today aren’t competing over who will make it first to the Moon, but many are looking to mark new firsts of their own
ענבל קרייס

“We learned to dare to dream,” says Israel’s top female space scientist

06.12.20|Yafit Ovadia
Ahead of the launch of Israel’s next astronaut, Inbal Kreiss discusses what comes next, why it’s important to dream, and how women can do anything they set their minds to
בראשית נחיתה ירח

Shimon Sarid | SpaceIL, CEO

SpaceIL, the Israeli nonprofit organization behind the unmanned spacecraft Beresheet, has appointed Shimon Sarid as CEO
בראשית נחיתה ירח

Billionaire Len Blavatnik Aims For the Moon With $1 Million SpaceIL Grant

15.01.20|Adi Pick
The grant is intended to support the Beresheet 2.0. spacecraft program and advance the goal of landing an unmanned Israeli spacecraft on the moon
בראשית סלפי spaceil

Beresheet 2.0’s Moon Project Scrapped

26.06.19|Udi Etsion
SpaceIL, the Israeli nonprofit organization behind the spacecraft, announced it will seek out "another, significant objective" for its second venture
תמונות של הירח שצילמה החללית הישראלית בראשית

Israel Doubles Down on Beresheet 2.0

06.05.19|Lilach Baumer
Beresheet crashed on its April moon landing, still making it the first privately funded spacecraft to reach lunar orbit
בראשית חללית נחיתה על הירח

The Challenge for Beresheet 2.0: Landing on the Moon and Sticking to the Budget

15.04.19|Udi Etsion
On Thursday, Israeli spacecraft Beresheet crashed during its moon landing. Co-developer SpaceIL already announced a second spacecraft is in the works
בראשית נחיתה ירח

Israel to Shoot for the Moon, Again

14.04.19|Adi Pick
On Saturday, Beresheet developer SpaceIL tweeted a video of its president Morris Kahn announcing the establishment of Beresheet 2