
20 stories about Government
Ron Abelski

Israeli technology saved us from the Iranians. So why isn't the Israeli government saving our technology?

30.05.24|Adv. Ron Abelski
"The Israeli government should be heavily investing in financing local start-ups with additional matching programs aimed at foreign investors, and providing State-backed guarantees to protect such investments from the effects of geo-political events," writes Adv. Ron Abelski
בנימין נתניהו בצלאל סמוטריץ' אוגוסט 23

Government adds NIS 1 billion to fund yeshivot, amid war with Gaza

27.11.23|Golan Fridenfeld
Among other things, the government believes that now is the right time to spend NIS 2.9 million on counseling on the subject of family purity and a similar amount on the Tomb of the Patriarchs.
מוזיאון העתיד דובאי איחוד האמירויות

Dubai Climate Conference: Israeli delegation will be significantly reduced, PM and ministers will not attend

15.11.23|Shani Ashkenazi
The Israeli government planned to send the largest delegation ever to the climate conference, but due to the war, the delegation will be much smaller.
אמנון שעשוע הרס ב קיבוץ בארי מלחמה בעזה חרבות ברזל

Amnon Shashua: We must replace the government now

29.10.23|Amnon Shashua
When leadership fails so resoundingly for such a long period, we must cut our losses and do it quickly. The only solution to the current situation in Israel is to replace the government, and it needs to happen immediately.
מוסף שבועי 22.6.23 פרופ' וויצ'ך סדורסקי מפולין אחד המומחים הגדולים בעולם לשחיקת הדמוקרטיות

Wojciech Sadurski: "In Hungary and Poland one of the first steps of authoritarian populism was to control the appointment of judges"

22.06.23|Moshe Gorali
The Polish professor is one of the world's leading experts on democratic erosion and spoke to Calcalist about similarities between Israel and Poland
כנס דנסטק 50 עמי אפלבאום יו"ר רשות ל חדשנות

Israel Innovation Authority's budget to be cut by NIS 100 million

21.05.23|Sophie Shulman
The budget of the Authority, which assists startups, will now be around $383 million. This comes at a time when the need to help startups has only increased due to the uncertainty following the current crisis and the drop in investments by foreign and local VCs
מימין חמי פרס יודפת הראל בוכריס ו איל ולדמן

High-tech leaders send message to Netanyahu: “New legislation has destructive implications on economy”

15.12.22|Meir Orbach
“The weakening of trust in the judicial system and as a result in Israeli democracy could deter investors which have been driving the high-tech industry,” read a letter signed by over 200 senior entrepreneurs and investors
פגסוס NSO תוכנת ריגול פרטיות סייבר פריצה האקרים

Report: Israeli authorities request most Big Tech user data across Middle East and Western Asia

04.08.22|James Spiro
Cybersecurity company Surfshark analyzed the data requests by local authorities from companies such as Apple, Google, Facebook, and Microsoft
Melanie Garson Tony Blair

The internet is “at risk of fracturing” amid geopolitical unrest and unregulated tech companies

10.07.22|James Spiro
Technology is both the underlying problem and solution to the world’s biggest challenges off and on the internet, explains Dr. Melanie Garson of the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
Karina Rubinstein IIA 20

“Creating ecosystems in the periphery is part of my passion.”

With 20 years in business development for startups, Karina Rubinstein has a lot of experience in many verticals that she brings to her role as director of business development in the Israel Innovation Authority.
Jillian Goldberg GuardKnox  ג'יליאן גולדברג גארדנוקס

The government’s search for Olim might just fill the tech gap

01.11.21|James Spiro
There is a talent shortage in Israel’s high tech sector - and Bennett is turning to immigrants for help
Shay Seth Merlin

Israeli cyber companies are eyeing the U.S government

28.07.21|James Spiro
Private cybersecurity companies that want to expand their market to the public sector can turn to Merlin Ventures for help
Sagi Dagan IIA

Israel's most important “natural” resource

08.06.21|Sagi Dagan
Appropriate government support of early-stage startups will prepare the sector for future technologies and allow Israeli innovation to be at the forefront of the Israeli economy, writes Sagi Dagan, Head of the Growth & Strategy Division at the Israel Innovation Authority
גיא מגן Profero CTO

When countries attack companies

10.02.21|Guy Barnhart-Magen
"It is time for policymakers to stop ignoring the potential damage caused by these attacks not only to the private businesses, but to the whole country," says Guy Barnhart-Magen
Yossi Rodrick  aQurate

Where did the money go?

24.01.21|Yossi Rodrick
What brought the “capital of innovation in the Middle East” to scramble where it should have thrived?
אבטחת מידע סייבר גלישה בטוחה מנעול

After cybersecurity attack, Israel reconsiders its tender with Shirbit insurance company

07.12.20|Amir Kurtz and Etai Aflalo
Shirbit is one of the leading vehicle insurance companies for government employees, but after its system was hacked and personal information made public, Israel is reconsidering renewing the contract
רוני גמזו שידור חי

Israeli government approves coronavirus czar’s traffic light model

31.08.20|Itamar Eichner, Ynet
According to the approved plan, Israeli towns and regions will be divided into four colored categories, according to the current severity of the outbreak in their territory
אנשים סניף דואר ישראל

Israel’s postal service is getting privatized, expected to vastly improve its service

23.07.20|James Spiro
The State is preparing to sell a total of 40% of its postal system over two phases