Tel Aviv

20 stories about Tel Aviv
שטח של תוכנית 3700 בצפון תל אביב רחוב אלמוג אלחריזי

Tech entrepreneur purchases $4.6M penthouse in Tel Aviv's high-demand market

18.08.24|Dotan Levy
Tufin co-founder Reuven Harrison and wife invest in a prestigious property, signaling confidence in the city's real estate sector.
פנים של הדירה שנמכרה על ידי ולרי קוגן פנטהאוז מגדל SEA ONE

Once the most expensive penthouse in Israel, oligarch sells Tel Aviv seafront apartment for a reduced $33M

30.05.24|Dotan Levy
Russian billionaire Valery Kogan bought the apartment on the 23rd floor of the SEA ONE Tower for around $30 million 15 years ago and spent several more millions in renovations. The buyers are Avivit Irini, the daughter of businessman Avraham Irini, and her partner Michael Sheina.
מגדל עזריאלי שרונה תל אביב

Meta leaving its office space in Azrieli tower in Tel Aviv in apparent cutback move

22.06.23|Sophie Shulman and Dotan Levi
The company will move out of its 12 floors in Azrieli Sarona Tower in 2025 and will move to the Landmark Tower in Tel Aviv, in which it is also set to rent out 7 of the 20 floors it has leased
Pumba Team

Is the search for that secret city car spot finally over?

11.06.23|James Spiro
Pumba Parking has sensors installed across the Tel Aviv city center helping drivers locate parking spots for their vehicles and is hoping to soon expand across the US and Europe
קו רקיע מרכז תל אביב Tel Aviv Business Center

Tel Aviv again drops in global startup ranking

07.06.23|James Spiro
Israel as a whole has maintained its third place, but local cities have overall seen a drop, according to StartupBlink
קית' דייוויס, Global VP Tech Innovation; נמרוד כהן, TAU Ventures; ד"ר עמי אפלבום, מדען ראשי ברשות החדשנות

World’s largest brewery launching startup program in Tel Aviv

03.04.23|Ariela Karmel
Six startups will be selected for a joint R&D and/or pilot activity with AB InBev, in collaboration with Tel Aviv University’s VC, TAU Ventures, and the Israel Innovation Authority
קו רקיע מרכז תל אביב Tel Aviv Business Center

Tel Aviv has the fifth most unicorn companies in the world

29.03.23|Ariela Karmel
Tel Aviv-based startups raised $6.9 billion in 2022, almost 2 times more than in 2020, according to a new international report
Atarim Tel Aviv port

Coastline conundrum: "We are trying to find a new sector, a new opportunity of developing the blue economy"

05.12.22|Yonatan Sredni
Marine biologist Rotem Trivizki takes CTech on a deep dive into how Atarim and Migdalor are harnessing Israel’s greatest natural resource - the sea - for everyone’s benefit
תל אביב קו רקיע חוף

Tel Aviv leads Startup Nation growth with $20 billion in capital raised in 2021

Funding by tech companies based in Tel Avlv Jumped 10X over five years, while their number of global employees doubled last year to over 150,000
תל אביב מלמעלה בניינים זירת הנדלן

If Tel Aviv is as expensive as San Francisco, which city will be Israel’s Texas?

02.12.21|Sophie Shulman and Lital Samet
A weakening dollar and price increases made Tel Aviv the most expensive city in the world according to the Economist. Could that spell the big exodus to Israel’s periphery?
צוות Intel Ignite

Intel Ignite names 10 startups selected for 5th Tel Aviv cohort

The latest cohort is comprised mostly of innovate deep tech startups, which are tackling some of the biggest societal issues
AT_altT Offices

AT&T opens a new R&D center in Tel Aviv

24.10.21|James Spiro
It will join the first R&D center in Airport City, which currently employs 500 people
פרוייקטים של בנייה חדשה ב צפון תל אביב

Israel launches first virtual real estate fair

Blue-and-white real estate event kicks off online during Passover holiday, visitors can “virtually” tour homes
תל אביב טיילת רחוב הירקון חוף ים

Tel Aviv to host Global Wellness Summit focusing on innovation in the $4.5 trillion market

Welltech Ventures co-founder Amir Alroy selected to co-chair the November event as the world begins to emerge from under Covid-19
Tel Aviv Women

With SafeUp, women can crowd-source their own security on Tel Aviv's streets

SafeUp took part in Israel's 8200 Impact accelerator program, where special attention was placed on companies tackling domestic violence and women’s rights
עובדים סיעודיים זרים עם קשישים מטפלת קשיש

Social Finance Israel seeks to pair financial gains with social benefits

11.01.21|Andrew Jacobson
SFI just launched its 5th Social Impact Bond, aimed to reduce loneliness among 200 elderly residents of Tel Aviv-Jaffa
Citi Accelerator TLV

Citi Accelerator TLV announces companies taking part in 10th cohort

03.11.20|James Spiro
The 2020 cohort focuses on areas like AI, cybersecurity, insurance, and money laundering
זיהום אוויר אגזוז פליטה

Tel Aviv set to ban entry of polluting vehicles

22.09.20|Tomer Hadar
Municipality and Ministry of Environmental Protection plan to ban the entrance of polluting cars to Israel’s commercial capital within a year
קו רקיע מרכז תל אביב Tel Aviv Business Center

Homeward bound: Israeli tech companies are downsizing their office space

03.09.20|Sophie Shulman
As companies shift to work from home, property owners are being forced to lower rents and offer creative solutions for the lucrative tenants
יניב ריבלין Yaniv Rivlin Bird Israel

Private micro-mobility companies might finally give cities the innovation they need

31.08.20|James Spiro
CTech spoke with the CEO of Bird Israel on how private companies can help public sectors - to the benefit of millions